JOIN US via Zoom at noon Jan. 28 for a program featuring Westerville City School District Superintendent Dr. John R. Kellogg.
Westerville’s superintendent since 2013, Dr. Kellogg will let us know what’s going on with the District as it deals with the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
Besides running our local schools, Dr. Kellogg also an avid runner, having competed several times in the Boston and New York Marathons, and seems to win our Rotary Club 5Ks — July 4th and the Veterans Day run — every time he enters.
He also is a Rotarian, the renowned Sergeant of Arms of the Sunrise Rotary Club of Westerville.
Use our usual Zoom links to join this great program:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 304 7403, Passcode: 022056
Find out more about the Westerville City School District at
Founded in 1959, the Rotary Club of Westerville is a service club of business professionals and leaders working to improve our community and larger world. We are part of Rotary International. Find out more at Contact the Club and learn how to join at