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The Rotary Club of Westerville recognized its May 2023 Students of the Month at its May 4 and May 11 weekly luncheon meetings.

Throughout the school year, from October through May, the Club honors four students from local high schools each month. Working with the school principals and counselors, one student each month is chosen from Westerville Central, Westerville North, Westerville South and St. Francis DeSales high schools. The students, their parents, and the school administrators are introduced and honored at a Rotary Club luncheon each month.

May 2023 Honoree Profiles

Westerville Central: Mariam Melikishvili’s favorite subjects are Advanced Painting 2, Speech Arts, sociology and American History. The senior is involved in Track and Field and Art Club. Her awards and recognitions include: Workshop for English Youth in Teaching (WYLET) alumni, Westerville Central High School Student of the Month, Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) program scholarship by the U.S. Department of State, winner of the National NCEBF essay competition in Georgia, winner of the “Folio” National Literature competition in Georgia, English Language Certification for C1 Level, peer educator granted by Kant’s Academy in partnership with the UN. She plans to attend American University in Bulgaria to study psychology and a self-designed major in fine and performing arts. 

Westerville North: Carson Ebbrecht’s favorite subjects are math and science. The senior is part of the following clubs and organizations: Cross Country, WarriorThon, Track and Field, Warrior Athletic Leadership Team and I Can. He was awarded the Most Valuable Runner in cross country and received the Coaches Award in Track and Field. He plans to attend Miami University to study psychology and pre-med. “I am a committed learner that is excited for what my future may bring. I appreciate serving others over myself.” 

Westerville South: Mylae Sherif’s favorite subjects are anatomy and physics. The senior is involved in the following activities: volleyball, lacrosse, Black Student Union, Key Club, Debate Club, Anime Club, Drill Team, Environmental Club, Student Council and National Honor Society. She has also performed in the school’s Black History Month program and theatre productions. She has served as a freshman mentor for two years. Her volunteer work includes assisting with a blood drive, serving as youth volleyball camp instructor, helping with parking lot clean up, supporting My Very Own Blanket and assisting with eighth-grade introduction night. Among her awards and recognitions: Academic letter for four years, Volleyball Coaches Award, National Recognition Award (Hispanic), WSHS Student of Month, AP Scholar and Character Education Award. She received a full-ride scholarship to attend the University of Cincinnati where she plans to study physical therapy. “I’m very honored to be selected as the Rotary Student of the Month.” 

St. Francis DeSales: Seamus Bonte’s favorite subjects are biology and history. The senior is a four-year student government class representative and a member of the National Honor Society. He lettered in football, wrestling and rugby and was recognized as a scholar-athlete by the Columbus Chapter of the National Football Foundation (NFF) and College Hall of Fame. He also received the Radio Club of America Young Achiever Award. He has studied the Highland bagpipes for seven years and has a ham radio operator general license (KE8GTT). He plans to attend The United States Merchant Marine Academy  to study Maritime Logistics and Security. “I am very grateful to my parents and to all of the faculty, administrators and coaches at St. Francis DeSales H.S.”

CAPTION: (Top photo, from left) Rotary program Chair Carol Faulkner, May 2023 Students of the Month Seamus Bonte (DeSales), Mariam Melikishvili (Westerville Central), Mylae Sherif (Westerville South) and 2022-23 Rotary Club of Westerville President Jim Meacham; (bottom photo, from left) Meacham, Student of the Month Carson Ebbrecht (Westerville North) and Faulkner.

The Rotary Club of Westerville

Founded in 1959, the Rotary Club of Westerville is a service club of business professionals and leaders working to improve our community and larger world. We are part of Rotary International. Find out more at Contact the Club and learn how to join at Read more about the Rotary International organization at

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The Rotary Club of Westerville is accepting applications for new membership.

The best way to pursue membership is to contact an existing Club member, and attend one of our lunches or events as her or his guest. Members of the public also are welcome to attend our events on their own, to see what our service club is all about. If possible, please give notice of your intent to attend a luncheon or social by emailing

We hope to see you soon!