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PLEASE JOIN US for a celebration of our concluding 2021-22 Rotary year at our normal weekly lunch at noon on Thursday, June 30, at The Medallion Club.

’21-22 President Joe Meyer will lead us through a fun and fast-paced review of the Year that Has Been and hand out some special recognitions. It truly has been a year to Serve to Change Lives Rotary International’s theme for 2021-22.

We also will get the final update on our presentation of the 2022 Rotary Club of Westerville Independence Day Celebration to the Westerville community.

Be sure to pick up your VIP Parking Pass for the afternoon July 4th Free Concert Series and Food Truck Festival, and of course, the big Fireworks Show. All that takes place again this year at the Westerville Athletic Complex, 325 N. Cleveland Ave.

Don’t miss the fun planned for this final meeting of the Rotary year. Lunch begins at noon at the The Medallion Club.

The Rotary Club of Westerville

Founded in 1959, the Rotary Club of Westerville is a service club of business professionals and leaders working to improve our community and larger world. We are part of Rotary International. Find out more at Contact the Club and learn how to join at

Interested in joining?

The Rotary Club of Westerville is accepting applications for new membership.

The best way to pursue membership is to contact an existing Club member and attend one of our lunches or events as her or his guest. Members of the public also are welcome to attend our events on their own, to see what our service club is all about. If possible, please give notice of your intent to attend a luncheon or social by emailing Learn more about Rotary International at

We hope to see you soon!